Social Psychologist. Author, The Best Place To Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace.
Believes there are three insights every leader should know including that to stay passionate we need growth and that workplace friendships improve productivity. (video)
Thinks there are five myths of great workplaces including that everyone is happy and that they hire for cultural fit.
“Mistakes are the tuition you pay for success.”
Suggests work should get a little harder every day or else you will lose interest in it.
Thinks there are 9 things productive people do differently including recognize that busyness is just a lack of focus and intentionally leave important tasks incomplete.
“When your attempt rate is high, each individual failure becomes a lot less significant.”
Believes how you spend the first 10 minutes of your day can determine its success.
Thinks collaborations often lead to weaker results because they breed false confidence and introduce pressure to conform.
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