Creative Partner, rehabstudio.
Believes in hacking everything and thinks to do that you need to focus on what you want to achieve, not what you want to make.
Thinks time away from the daily grind is good for your clients and company.
“We all have ideas in the back of our notebook and chances are they sit there until one day you go to the Internet and boom – there it is. Your idea made by somebody else.”
Believes the Internet of Things is a great opportunity, but making things smart and connected only makes sense if it’s done well.
Believes the future of retail lies in the retail experience and delivering an experience you can’t get online.
“Failure is an integral part of the process of getting your story’s emotional pitch perfect.”
Believes you shouldn’t use technology for technology’s sake – the idea has to carry through.
Thinks great user interface design has one job – to get out of the user’s way.
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