Design Director, Mozilla Foundation.
Believes the natural state of the world is change and that when you instigate change by taking measured risks, you usually find yourself in a better spot than when you started.
Thinks four things happen when you say, “That’s a great question” and that using the phrase can have unintended consequences.
“Don’t do things because they are easy, do them because they are meaningful.”
Has 7 questions to ask people when interviewing them for a job including “Would you call yourself a perfectionist?” and “Why do you want to work here?”
Created a checklist for how best to showcase your work online.
“The divisions we put up between traditionally technological or traditionally creative tasks are often false ones; today you need art and science to play together to really get anywhere interesting and relevant.”
Suggests 7 ways to convert vague feedback into valuable critiques of your creative work.
Thinks the ability to recognize when to chase an idea and when to let it go is more important than perfectionism.
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