Intrigue Expert. President, The Intrigue Agency. Author, Got Your Attention? How to Create Intrigue and Connect with Anyone.
Believes our communication techniques have not kept up with the Internet because most communication is one-way and the Internet is not.
Thinks you can tell if a person is interested in your ideas by whether or not their eyebrows move.
“If they don’t see or hear something in the first minute (or first page) that earns their favorable attention; It’s NEXT and they’re on to something else.”
Believes there are five steps to creating a “phrase that pays” – a soundbite that will stick with people after you tell it to them.
Thinks there are five ways to improve your focus including using rituals, doing “five more,” and setting specific start-finish times.
“Mutual intrigue is the key to turning frustrating, waste-of-time, one-way communications into productive, rewarding two-way connections.”
Believes you can use a three-part question to turn a one-way speech into a more valuable two-way connection.
Thinks to make a complicated idea clear you first have to clarify your destination.
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